Safer 17th Street
Photo by Morgan Rosenbach
SFMTA released their proposed designs for 17th Street on June 1st and is accepting public comments until June 15th. You can review their plans here, read our comments here about what still needs to be improved and then send SFMTA and email to let them know you want a Safer 17th Street.
We envision an east/west corridor along 17th Street that makes this critical route safer for people walking, rolling, biking, and driving. This route is used by All Ages & Abilities, including health care workers commuting to Mission Bay, residents traveling to the Mission, and people heading to the Central Waterfront boulevards and parks along Terry A. Francois by the Chase Center.
Proposed Plan

The map above shows a proposed green section of 17th Street that fills a critical gap in the bike network.

17th Street forms an important connection to the existing bike routes on Potrero Avenue, 7th Street, and Terry A. Francois Boulevard to the east. The 17th Street corridor also reduces event traffic by enabling attendees to travel to the
Chase Center without a car. The detailed plan below shows the changes needed to realize the plan. A number of them have already been implemented, so we are well on
the way.
Our proposed plan for 17th Street, shown below, links together several existing blocks which already have protected bike lanes. In addition, on the wider, western portion of 17th Street it is possible to have parking along one side of the street, protecting the bike lane with parked cars.
Detailed Map

The map above shows the our proposed plan with block-by-block highlights.
Cross-Section View
These sketches show a streetscape cross-section view of what the new safer corridor will look like. One image shows what blocks west of Rhode Island Street–which are 42' wide–would look like, while the other shows what many of the blocks east of Rhode Island Street—which are 46' wide—would look like.

We want to connect with neighboring efforts in places like the Mission and beyond. We want to partner with individuals and organizations in other neighborhoods to expand the reach of safe connected and protected bike corridors. For example Safer 17th can continue east on the soon to be constructed protected bike lanes on 16th east of 280 in Mission Bay and over to a hopefully permanent Dogpatch slow street, MinneSLOWta. These and other possible connections get us closer to the ultimate goal of a citywide connected and protected network of bike lanes safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.
Photo by Morgan Rosenbach
We have already won a commitment from SFMTA to put soft hit posts on 16th from Mississippi to Terry A Francois in order to protect those existing bike lanes. SFMTA also already plans to put protected bike lanes along Mississippi between 17th to 16th. Help us build on this momentum by signing our petition today or contacting us with any questions.