Please urge the SFMTA to protect 17th Street!
Help us win. City leaders are deciding whether or not to create a quickbuild protected bike route on 17th Street in Potrero Hill. Please take 1 minute now to send an email to the SFMTA Staff, the SFMTA Board, and Supervisor Walton urging them to implement a protected bike corridor. The email will cc us so that we can also add you to the Safer 17th list for future updates.
(We always include an unsubscribe link in case you change your mind.)
Don't know if you live in District 10? Look up your district by address.
Or if you are in a rush just use the button above on the left.

Clicking either button above the picture on this page should generate an email to SFMTA Staff and SFMTA Board, CC'ing and so that we can count how many emails are sent.
We encourage you to customize the email to include your own personal message about why you want protected bike lanes on 17th. Personal messages AND subject lines are very persuasive!
Also, we love volunteers. Drop us a line at if you want to get more involved.